Mission, Vision, Values
We provide consultancy products and services, training and coaching related to all aspects of knowledge management to organizations of all kinds, whether governmental or not, industrial or social, whether for-profit or non-profit, at an international level.
We strive to make our clients aware of the strategic importance of managing the knowledge they possess; as a means to guarantee their continuity, and as a basis for generating competitive advantages that allow them to have sustainable growth over time.
We help them to identify and actively, consciously and systematically manage their intangible assets, providing them with tailor-made solutions, based on international processes. We guide them in the transformation process towards a learning organization.
We know the effect of talent on organizations and we deeply value it. We also know the effect talented organizations have around them. For this reason, we generate quality, stable and well-paid work, supporting the personal and professional development of the people who make up our organization, and contributing to the economic development of our environment. We look for the best talent, regardless of their nature, age or origin.
We offer a holistic, cohesive and consistent value proposition; founded on proven scientific methods; materialized through a multidisciplinary and multicultural team, in collaboration with a network of experts specialized in specific aspects of knowledge management. We innovate and develop our value proposition in collaboration with universities and research centers, basing them on current scientific theories and articulating them around international standards.
We want to be a successful, modern and future-oriented organization; internationally recognized for the quality of its value proposition. We want to be a reference in how to successfully implement the learning culture through the systematic management of organizational knowledge, supported by the use of tools with artificial intelligence, developed specifically for it.
We want to be a dynamic organization that is constantly evolving through learning, research and innovation in all aspects of our value proposition. We make use of all the possibilities that technology offers; An organization open to cooperation, even with our competitors; surrounded by a network of collaborators who complement our value proposition, who allow us to learn and who share the same consideration for the quality of their work.
We want to be an organization that tirelessly seeks beneficial situations for all parties involved and builds lasting relationships based on communication and mutual trust.
We want to be an organization where performance is prioritized over presence. Articulated around a multidisciplinary and multicultural team, stable and motivated, with talent, training and experience; in which its members actively participate in their own professional development. An open-minded organization open to the world, looking for talent wherever there is in order to offer its clients a value proposition based on excellence. An organization that recognizes its members as people and not only as resources, which adapts to the reality of each person; in which its members can contribute to the success of the business wherever they are at all times.
We seek to add value to SME clients, present in any of the industrial, academic and research sectors, as well as to public institutions; located in any European country.
At Geist all our actions and decisions arise from our principles and our way of understanding professional activity and relationships with our environment.
At Geist, we believe in:
Critical thinking (c): because we internalize that having an open mind, doubting the statements that in everyday life are usually accepted as true and questioning the status quo is the first step to improve and innovate.
Continuous learning (c): because we are convinced that a continuous predisposition to improve and stay updated in our field of action through learning and improving both technical and human skills is the best way to grow.
Experimentation: because we consider that it is the only way to convert knowledge into competences, using the mistakes and successes committed, to learn.
Talent (c): because we are absolutely convinced that talent is the most important asset of our organization and constitutes the foundation on which the path to success is built.
Tenacity (c): because we are aware that growth and transformation require effort and sacrifice; And we don’t allow adversity to stop us from reaching our goals or objectives.
Professionalism (c): because we think that acting conscientiously, responsibility, punctuality, professional secrecy, discipline and perseverance are qualities on which every activity we carry out should be based.
Quality (c): because we are absolutely convinced that the satisfaction of our clients is the natural way of performing as an organization.
Cooperation (c): because we think that working with others, to achieve a common goal, is a source of inspiration that enables us to learn from others, while allowing us to offer the best service to our clients.
Imagination: as a source of new utopian ideas and visions, obtained through the transformation and mental representation of experiences, sensations or feelings, which lay the foundations for original proposals, free of all restrictions.
Creativity: as an instrument to conceive improvements related to things that already exist or to conceptualize services and objects that did not exist before, based on the products of the imagination.
Innovation: as a fundamental tool for the abstraction and evaluation of creative thoughts, in order to materialize them in products, services or processes that add value to our clients.
Family conciliation: as a way to achieve and maintain a satisfactory professional career and, at the same time, a full personal life, which includes caring for the family, developing personality, training or enjoying leisure and free time.
Diversity: in all its dimensions, either cultural, gender or disciplinary, as a means to enrich ourselves on a personal level and as a differentiating factor in the search and development of solutions that uniquely satisfy the needs of our clients.
At Geist we firmly believe in the value of talent. However, we are also convinced that having talent alone is not everything.
Therefore, we pursue that our organization is made up of people who possess the following qualities:
Curiosity: because we consider it as the engine that takes us out of our comfort zone, prompting us to search for information, explore, experiment and interact with others, on the way to personal and professional development.
Compromiso: porque consideramos que cumplir, sin ningún tipo de excusa o pretexto, las obligaciones y responsabilidades adquiridas es la única forma correcta de actuar.
Integrity: because we believe that moral integrity, rectitude, honesty, loyalty and transparency are fundamental values to establish relationships based on sincerity, trust and mutual respect.
Direct communication: because we are absolutely convinced that exposing our thoughts, ideas, opinions, feelings and emotions clearly and truthfully, and listening actively; It is the most effective way to solve problems, find alternatives in complex situations, achieve objectives and maintain quality relationships.
Inclusion: because we have internalized that all people must have the same possibilities and opportunities to participate and contribute, benefiting in the process, in order to fulfill themselves as individuals.